Banking and financial law, financial regulatory

We represent our clients on the banking and the debtor side as well in relation to transactions associated with financing and project financing and the associated collateral transactions. We provide banking regulatory consultation to banks and other financial ventures and we represent them in the proceedings of the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority. Our activities in financial regulatory law primarily consist of the foundation of businesses providing services requiring official permits and the acquisition of the permits required for their operation.

As legal representatives, we have participated in the foundation of financial institutions, the acquisitions of banks, in mergers and in obtaining permits for those transactions. We have also represented and participated in the winding up of branch offices of credit institutions.

We have professional experience in the day-to-day legal representation of credit institutions and financial ventures as well, along with the formulation of the internal regulations and rules of procedure of such institutions.

Representative for the practice area: Dr. Zsuzsanna Károlyi